Polemic, Memory, Forgetfulness and (In)Signification on Juridical and Political Discourses
In this presentation, following the theoretical and methodological approach of French Discourse Analysis, we will reflect on the discursive memory statute on Brazilian juridical and political discourse.
We will profoundly study more specifically about a corpus composed of journalistic texts (editorials, opinion articles, cover headlines) which provoked the discursive happening "Piritini versus Sindicalistas" (Piritini versus Unionists), published by the rio-grandense media - print and digital - more specifically, by the newspaper Zero Hora e Correio do Povo de Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil, during 2009.
Our research hypothesis is that the discursive happening in question is put to circulate through the rio-grandense media as if it had not happened, not because it escapes to the inscription or it is absorbed in the memory, but because its inscription was taken as a crime by the juridical and midiatical apparatus, preventing then the irruption of  the rio-grandense unionist discourse.
Key words : discourse, discursive happening, discursive memory, polemic, print and digital media.
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